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DMIT Test for Children

DMIT Test for Children based on Important Parenting Tips. This is the complete Brain analysis which is uniquely adaptive, instinctive and responsive based on their needs and skill sets. 3 to 10 years is the ideal education must be holistic and really should facilitate the guidance based their learning style. The absolute education for almost any child involves equivalent participation from both sections of the brain. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Influence on creativity and analytically thinking from the left & right sides of your brain. The capabilities must be gathered and focused with the right multiple intelligence test for kids. DMIT test provides a scientifically proven assessment program that will takes into every child unique potential. DMIT Report Provide Right Parenting Tips towards developing of specific core expertise from the childhood.

Pinwheel Kids

Dmit Test For Children

Benefits of  DMIT Test for Children

  • Know your child inborn talents and natural character

  • Identify your Children innate abilities

  • Understand best learning style for Your Child

  • Customize the learning programs based on Child learning style

  • Improve the relationship between children and parents

  • Understand the right parenting techniques and teaching style

  • Select the Activities based upon their Multiple Intelligence and innate abilities


Important Parenting Tips for your Child (3-10 Years)

  • From 3 to 10 years, child undergo the education from Nursery to 5th Standard

  • 80% Child Brain developments will be completed within 10 Years

  • Every child is unique. Don’t under estimate your child abilities by comparing with other children.

  • Every child born with multiple Talents. Parents and Teacher Should recognize it

  • This is the best time to improve the Child memory Power

  • Don’t put too much pressure on Child. This is a child Brain developments stag.

  • Don’t give only importance to science and math’s. This is a Foundation stage, not a career stage

  • Give importance to creativity and Different activities. This will help them to improve memory and grasping power

  •  Teaching and understanding is traditional way. Understanding and teaching accordingly is the new way

  • Don’t analyze a child in your way. Try to Understand the Generation gap and fill them with Proper Parenting Tips

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